Lisbon, September 18 - 19, 2025

Trybus Martin

University of Birmingham

Martin Trybus, LL.M. Ph.D. (Wales), Ass. iur. (Düsseldorf), Ref. iur. (Berlin) is Professor of European Law and Policy, Director of the Institute of European Law, and Associate Head of School at the University of Birmingham (Birmingham Law School), United Kingdom. His research focusses on EU law, especially law and policy relating to public procurement and to defence integration. He is the author of Buying Defence and Security in Europe: The EU Defence and Security Procurement Directive in Context (CUP, 2014, in Chinese in 2018), and numerous academic articles. Professor Trybus has been working with several international organisations and especially the OECD and the European Defence Agency, and for national governments on projects involving procurement reform and defence procurement, defence exports, and State aids. Previously he worked for the universities of Nottingham and Sheffield and OECD/SIGMA in Paris. 2010-2016 he served on the European Space Agency Procurement Review Board, again since 2020, elected Chair in 2022. 2017-2021 he worked as Network Coordinator and Director of Research on the EU-funded project “EU Trade and Investment Policy (EUTIP)” and is now Director of Training on a similar project on Sustainability and Procurement (SAPIENS Network).
