Lisbon, September 18 - 19, 2025

Caranta Roberto

University of Turin



Roberto Caranta is professor in Administrative Law at the University of Turin (Italy) and works mainly on public procurement with focuses on SPP and on remedies, EU and administrative comparative law with focus on judicial protection.
Coordinator of Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems - SAPIENS -International Training Network (SAPIENS-ITN - H2020 – MSCA ITN: Grant 956696). Member of Purchase Power – Sustainable Public Procurement Through Private Law Enforcement PurpLE.
With Steen Treumer he funded the European Procurement Law Group now with Edward Elgar.
Professeur invité at the Universities of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence (2016) and Lyon 3 (2023). Co-director of the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies – CTLS London for the Academic year 2012/13. General rapporteur to the 2014 FIDE Congress in Copenhagen: ‘General Report’ in U. Neergaard, C. Jackson, G.S. Ølykke (eds) Public Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes. The XXVI FIDE Congress in Copenhagen, 2014 Congress Publications Vol. 3 (DJØF, 2014). Director for many years of the Master program on Public Procurement management for Sustainable Development with ITCILO. Vice President of the Procurement Review Board of the European Space Agency - ESA. He has drafted studies and conducted training for various UN and EU institutions. He has authored and edited many books and more than 200 works.


Recently concluded projects:

- H2020 Sustainable Market Actors for Sustainable Trade - SMART, Oslo University; 

- EU Trade and Investment Policy -International Training Network (EUTIP-ITN - H2020 – Marie Curie ITN);

- CoCEAL, un ERC attribuito ai Colleghi della Cananea e Bussani.


Contributions to recent studies:

- UNEP Sustainable Public Procurement Global Review 

- How to drive Sustainable Public Procurement forward in the European Union? Greens/EPA Group at the European Parliament

- Due Diligence in EU Institutions Rules and Practices for the CONT Committes of the European Parliament


Recent works include:

Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law (Oxford, Hart, 2023) (editor with W. Janssen); Sustainability takes centre stage in public procurement in Ruch Prawniczy Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 2023, 41; Bringing State aid cases to courts: the need to rethink standing in J.J. Pernas Garcia, L. Hancher & L. Rubini (eds), The Future of EU State Aid Law (Madrid, EU Live Press, 2023); Of Ostensible Self-Restraint, Explicit Environmental Protection, and a Missing Link: The Appropriate Assessment in Italy in M. Eliantonio, E. Lees & T. Paloniitty (eds) EU Environmental principles and scientific uncertainty before national courts. The Case of the Habitats Directive (Oxford, Hart, 2023) 141; Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Field of Public Procurement: Time to Take the Charter Seriously? in M. Bonelli, M. Eliantonio & G. Gentile (eds), Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection. Volume 1: The Court of Justice's Perspective (Oxford, Hart, 2022) 213; European Public Procurement. Commentary to Directive 2014/24/EU (Oxford, Hart, 2021) (editor with A. Sanchez Graells); Standing for non-privileged applicants after Montessori in CMLRev 2021, 173; Tort Liability of Public Authorities in European Laws (Oxford, OUP, 2020) (editor with G. della Canenea); Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU. An Unfinished Legislative Framework (Cheltenham, Elgar, 2020) (editor with P. Bogdanowicz and P. Telles); Cost and EU Public Procurement Law. Life-Cycle Costing for Sustainability (London, Routledge, 2020) (editor with M. Andhov and A. Wiesbrock); ‘The interplay between EU legislation and effectiveness, effective judicial protection and the right to an effective remedy in EU public procurement law, in REALaw 2/2019; Transparency in EU Procurement (Cheltenham, Elgar, 2019) (editor with K-M. Halonen and A. Sanchéz Graells); Sustainability and Public Procurement, in A. La Chimia – P. Trepte (eds.), Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness (Oxford, Hart, 2019) 173-193 (with C. Cravero); Upholding General Principles versus Distinguishing Cases: On the Use of Precedent in EU Public Procurement Law (A Case Study), A. Sanchéz Graells (ed.), Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards. Pushing the Discussion after Regiopost (Oxford, Hart, 2018) 165-194; The Making of a New European Legal Culture: the Aarhus Convention (Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2018) (editor with A. Gerbrandy and B. Müller); Labels as enablers of sustainable public procurement, in B. Sjåfjell, ‎A. Wiesbrock (eds) Sustainable Public Procurement Under EU Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 99-113; ‘The changes to the public contract directives and the story they tell about how EU law works’ 52 (2015) CMLRev, 391.